Shipping & Return Information

Lead Time

Our holsters are handmade, but built and shipped quickly. The time from order to shipping should never exceed 7 business days.

Placing an Order

During checkout, you’ll be presented with available shipping options and prices. Immediately after placing an order, you’ll receive a confirmation email from our system. Check to verify all ordered items and addresses are correct. When your order ships, an email containing tracking information will be automatically sent.

If you do not receive any or all of these emails, contact us and we’ll figure out what’s going on. Typically, they end up in your email client’s spam folder. Check there first.


Grey Matter Concepts only ships to and guarantees delivery to United States based addresses. We are not responsible for theft or damage after the package has been successfully delivered to your address as reported by the shipping carrier.

Order Cancellations / Returns

Aside from special circumstances and approval, all orders are considered final. Please contact us immediately if you need to change an order in any way.